Tag Archives: Vodafone

Thanks for the exercise, Vodafone.

They told me the reception wasn’t great, but the call rates were cheap.  And I am cheap.

They were right.  The reception SUCKS.  It sucks giant hairy rat balls in fact.

So, each day while I am at work, I climb to the top of this Silo to send and receive text messages (yes, I shouldn’t be doing that at work, that’s what Twitter is for right?)

This object appears smaller than it actually is... I swear!

This object appears smaller than it actually is... I swear!

So, thank you Vodafone, for my daily exercise, my legs have never felt better.  Or hurt more.  Hurting means you’re exercising right?!?

At least I get to enjoy the view while I am there.  No bad, huh? 

I am sure I would appreciate the view more, if my legs didn't hurt. like. hell.

View from Silo at zero dark thirty

I am sure I would appreciate it more.  If my legs didnt hurt like a bitch.

PS.  I can’t spell – I just published this post with “exercise” spelt “excersise”.  Then I got home, and realised I am a giant spastic head.  Nice.  Hope you didn’t see that.